Thursday, June 07, 2007

A little recognition!

So Purdue asked me for some of my views on India and my experiences a long time back. Now I've come to realize that my imputes have made their way into the Chemical Engineering Impact Magazine!! Feel free to read it!! The little bit regarding me is down at the bottom!

The article

Mei and Jeannie... thanks for being good sports... you're photographed in our magazine - I hope you don't mind! Oh and I miss you three all so very much!

Enjoy :o)


Vikash said...

It was nice to read your article. Cool..:)

But, I differ at some points. Let me state them with a note of apology embeded. ;) You wrote,
"“The rest of their life plan in a broad general stroke is something like this: graduate from IIT; be hired by an international company that will relocate them abroad; move abroad; stay abroad,” says Yates. “Abroad usually means the
United States.”"

I'm not saying that there are not even a single person who thinks like that. But, this is definately not the attitude of most of us. Atleast I know, (onlyin our class , the same class u studied with us:)) more than 70 people who will prefer to live in India.

There was definatley a time, when everyone wanted to go abroad for further studies. But, now -a-days trend has changed. people still wants to get in MIT, stanford but number has decreased tremendously. And for job, there are very few (not more than 5%) people who prefer to go abroad for it. 'coz most of the times, we all get nice pay packages in India only. (may be by some US based company :)

waise, I appreciate your nice words about us being intelligent.

misss u friend....!!!

(our cryo treat is still due)

Anonymous said...

woohoo.. thanks for making me famous... let me know if anyone wants my signature.. hehehe..

Vikash said...

i want it may!

Allison said...

Thanks for your comment and the more people I meet the more I realize you are right. I sent this email to Purdue in Feb/March when that was the impression I got. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say they plan to work abroad, earn, but settle in India. That is the more accurate vibe I get now that I've been here longer!

You are right, our cryo treat is still due!! Hopefully I'll see you Bombay soon :o)