- I'm exactly 6 feet tall.
- I have true blue eyes, meaning I have zero pigment in my iris
- Colorado will probably always feel like home
- My brother has always been one of my favorite people
- I've eaten cactus
- I regret not taking Spanish in college
- I have a "don't kiss down" policy
- Living internationally is a life goal of mine
- Speaking a second language fluently is another life goal
- Meyers - Briggs labels me an ENFJ personality
- I currently make soap - in volumes that will blow your mind
- I'm an imperfect vegetarian
- Both the ocean and the mountains remind me of childhood
- My favorite color is blue
- Sushi is one of my favorite foods
- My biggest fear is not finding the person I want to spend the rest of my life with
- A bigger fear is finding that person and not fighting to keep them in my life
- I own a guitar
- I lived in Mumbai, India for 6 months
- I'm an Alpha Xi Delta
- I can touch my nose with my tongue
- I love being barefoot
- A pet peeve of mine are when people use "funner" and "funnest" as if they are words - they aren't.
- I've seen a taping of Oprah. Kate Winslet was the guest.
- Grammar and I never get along
- I always wanted a fun nickname but never got one
- I used to volunteer at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science in their Space Odyssey exhibit.
- I miss the late nights studying with my fellow ChemEs at Purdue
- I do not eat blue M&Ms if I can help it
- NPR has become my primary news source
- I've not eaten a hotdog since I was about 5
- I imagine all always be a big city girl
- I dream of owning a vacation home in the tropics
- If I could backpack the globe for the rest of my life, I would.
- I find Dane Cook hilarious
- My parents are divorced
- I love to cuddle and adore being the little spoon
- I lived for a summer with my grandparents on Long Island
- I lost my backpack at the Trevi Fountain in Rome
- The Clarks are my favorite band
- I do not know how to cook, yet I manage to feed myself
- I had a guinea pig as a pet growing up
- My inseam is 35-36" and pants are hard to find in this length
- I never thought I'd work in a factory, yet I do.
- Anything with chocolate in it is okay by me
- I consider myself intelligent yet feel it hinders my happiness at times
- I know all 50 states in alphabetical order
- I have a strategically placed tattoo
- I never want to grow up, I acknowledge that growing old is mandatory, unfortunately
- My lucky number is 23
- Quintessence and Elysium are two of my favorite words
- I've been in love
- As with most females, I love romantic comedies
- Black licorice and cinnamon are the best flavors of Jelly Beans
- Dark chocolate > milk chocolate > white chocolate, I don't even eat white chocolate, it is just gross I think
- I wish I stuck with a sport or instrument growing up
- Brushing my teeth makes me strangely happy
- I live in Chicago for the moment but will be moving to the east coast soon
- Solving challenging problems in college was such a thrill
- I was an resident assistant my senior year of college - I would do it again
- I wish I had a cool hobby that could fill my evenings and weekends
- I do not own a television
- I don't understand men (or boys...)
- I like some country music and I don't mind admitting it
- I consider myself a 21st century woman
- I find body language fascinating
- I tend to cry when I laugh
- I blush very easily
- My shoe size is 10
- I had a leather jacket custom made in Fez, Morocco
- It is never too cold for ice cream
- I have four cousins - in total
- I was a Model UN junkie in high school and I still love international relations
- I knew Obama was going to be president in 2004
- I support gay marriage
- I was never baptized
- I got a ticket for running a stop sign - I still disagree with the officer on this
- I can speak Pig Latin but I don't understand it very well
- I want to have a destination wedding
- I own more pairs of underwear than socks
- My contact prescription is -7.0 in both eyes
- Ganesh is my favorite Hindu god
- I own two travel backpacks I love them both
- The Peace Corps still seems like a realistic lifetime employer at times
- Holi is by far my favorite holiday and I wish a thousand times over I was back in IIT to celebrate it
- I drive a Suzuki Vitera
- I used to row and think it is an amazing sport
- E.T. scared the bajeezus out of me when I was little
- I've never done drugs, I guess I avoided the 'experimental' stage in life
- I don't think I am beautiful yet I do believe I have some attractive features
- I get motion sick sometimes
- I never met my paternal grandfather
- I locked myself in the bathroom when I was little threatening not to come out until I had a puppy. I never got a puppy.
- I am incredibly risk adverse
- My first kiss was at 15
- I am an organ donor
- I prefer Coke to Pepsi, yet diet Pepsi over diet Coke
- I always thought collecting Monopoly boards would be fun but don't really know what one would do with dozens of the same game
- I cannot spell worth a damn - spell check saves my reputation daily
- I'm faking it until I make it.
In an attempt to keep my roots while desperately using my wings... These are my adventures.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
My 100th Post!!
Wow, 100 posts... 100 stories about my life, updates on activities, travels, friends, pictures of my world. I feel as though I should commemorate this moment some how. I need to make this post extra special or super funny or downright simple.... I think I'll go with a bit cliche, and give you 100 things about me, maybe you know, maybe you don't, but 100 truths about Allison. Scary.