Monday, February 16, 2009

Las Vegas!!

I spent a nice long weekend in Las Vegas with some college friends this past weekend. It was a wonderful escape from the cold and life in Chicago (although I was hoping for 95 and sunny and I got 50 and slightly overcast - it wasn't freezing!!) As with most of my posts, I'll let my photos do the talking and hopefully I'll have more to add as we swap pictures from the trip.

Quick background:
8 people
  • Allison (that's me)
  • Katie (that's the same Katie who went to Honduras and Morocco with me and is the definition of fun)
  • Dan Fix (He was a Purdue Cheerleader and supremely fun)
  • Molly Fu (Friend through Katie who is also supremely fun)
  • Mel Kemerling (Friend through Katie and yup - also supremely fun)
  • Matt and Jesii Fox (Friends of Katie, newly weds - live in Houston, Matt works for NASA... and of course, supremely fun)
  • Mike (Friend of Mel's who enjoys gambling and the only non-Purdue Grad, so we'll go with moderate amounts of fun)
Oh yea... we are all engineers... yes eight engineers descended upon Vegas for a weekend of sin and the occasional nerd/geek/dork comment that makes life worth living!!!
On to the pictures!!!

Katie and I all dolled up for the Cirque de Soleil show !!

She really needs to learn to cover up...
*Katie and Jesii = country estates*
*Mel and Molly = stunning city lofts*
*Allison = double wide trailer*

The worlds only curved escalators are in The Forum Mall in Ceasar's Palace. Needless to say, us engineers were thoroughly entertained :)

See how entertained, we are still riding!

Oh yes, still on the curved escalator

You guessed it! Curved escalator again!

You can't visit Venice without trying some gelato!! The Venetian had a bountiful selection for our choosing pleasure.

Ah! The beautiful city scape in recreated Venice in the middle of the Vegas strip.

Katie and Jesii are practicing for their audition with the Blue Man group... the Man part may pose a problem during their interview...

I just want to play the drums and Dan has a weird thing with blue bald men...

Kisses for Humpty! It seemed like a good idea at the time.

And as the saying goes "What happens in Vegas, STAYS in Vegas." You all can deduce the rest :-)

*oh yea - I lost $15 to the gambling gods.... Thank goodness others took home over $100, wouldn't want Vegas wiping us all out!!