Friday, August 17, 2007

Last few days of freedom!

Well these are my last few days without class. My last few moments before submitting once again to the grips of the library, engineering textbooks, hours of homework, and seemingly endless amounts of lab reports, group projects, not to mention job searching! I've finished RA training, I've got my textbooks, I've been to the Neon Cactus bar and I'm ready to go I think!

The RAs had a banquet to attend the other night which was a nice awkward event. We all dressed up in dresses and suits and mingled with the apparent 'high rollers' of Purdue, the 'who's who' of the residence halls and the newest member of the Purdue staff our new president!! Isn't she a wonderful addition to the staff!!! She had her degree in astrophysics and worked as lead scientist for NASA as well as president for University of California Santa Barbra!! And she does all this in a five foot nothing frame! Such a mighty woman in such a small person, it's a bit hard to believe.

Here is a picture of my friend Katie and I before heading to this marvelous event where the only thing more impressive than our newest presidents credentials was the tiramisu dessert = DIVINE!!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Back to Purdue!

So I've started training at Purdue for my new position as RA! It's been a blast so far seeing as my fellow RA's are all a lot of fun. There are 16 of us, plus two lead RA's known as Staff Residents. Everyone is pretty outgoing and willing to chat and laugh at just about anything. Training is mostly about policy and expectations of the residence hall so it isn't always interesting, but the leaders do the best they can with it. Right now I'm a bit overwhelmed because it sounds like so much to do! I hope I can manage to balance this with ChemE and the sorority, but we shall see...

Oh and to a few who have noticed that I'm not on facebook it is a temporary hiatus. Because of sorority recruitment all sorority members are not allowed on facebook. It is supposed to level the playing field for recruitment and not allow communication amongst members and those who are going through recruitment. I think it is silly, but rules are rules. So give me a month and I'll be back, and we will still be friends!!

On a side note, it has been a blast to share my India experience with so many people. I get to relive my favorite parts of my experience every time I talk about it. That is so cool!!!