Thursday, June 28, 2007

Traveling Pics

So I'm on my adventures... this is a thrilling life!! I hope you like the pics, there are in backwards chronological order... Visakhpatnam came first :o)The view from our hotel - it was gorgeous!
Meditating inside Agra Fort
Mother Theresa Tomb
Sidd and I on a beach in Visakhapatnam
Shiv and Parvarti Statues in Visakhapatnam
Me on my first train ride!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It's official

Sidd got his Visa! Needless to say, I'm happy. Can't wait to share my world with him!!

I arrive in CO on July 5th late in the night and my travels don't stop there...

Here's the plan:
CO - July 5th-July12th
Minniapolis for Anne's Wedding - July 13th-July 16th
NYC and Long Island - July 16th-July 24th
CO - July 25th-August 1st-ish
Purdue - August 3rd - Christmas!!

I'm off to Agra and the Taj Mahal tomorrow!! I love traveling so much!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Nerve Racking two days!

Sidd is applying for his Visa and we know in two days if he gets it... I think I'm going to have a coronary while he is in his interview. I don't even want to think about what will happen if he doesn't get it. He will though, he will.

Off to Delhi via Calcutta this afternoon, meet up with Sidd day after tomorrow to see the largest monument built for love, ever - the Taj. I'm so happy I get to share it with Sidd.

Miss home, just a few weeks more until I'm kissing ground in CO and hugging the stuffing out of all my friends. Just be warned.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Indian Adventure

Well... I'm done with work, I'm out of Bangalore, I've got a backpack, some money, a Lonely Planet Guide Book, and two weeks... I'm Off!!! I'm currently in Calcutta en route to Darjeeling, where I will be staying for two days before departing for Delhi and a great Rajasthan tour!! I'm home after that!!! Hopefully bringing with me a live souvenir.

I'll update when I know more or have details to give.

Lova - I'm terrible and haven't gotten back to you and I know this... I'm working on that, same to you Mark.

Friday, June 15, 2007

It's a love hate relationship

What I love about India and what I despise about India… They both exist and they both seem to peak out from random corners at random times. The vibrancy of life here is something I fell in love with long back; the people are magnificent. Everyone smiles at you when you walk by (as long as they aren’t gawking at the six foot white girl) and the woman are all beautiful from the small girls in school uniforms to the 60 year old toothless woman in a ragged sari. It is a stunning culture here one that is simultaneously trying to advance to a developed nation as well as cling to it’s cultural heritage. The food is wonderful, most of the time… a few nights spent racing to the bathroom have not been some of my favorites. The sweets take some getting used to, they aren’t rich chocolaty and baked like the cookies and cakes we have at home. Most sweets are made from some form of milk or cheese and it swims in some variation of sugar syrup. The history is deep, the buildings old and crumbling but still beautiful. And you can't beat the prices on almost anything (a new shirt for $4... tailor sewn for $5). There is a lot to discover here, and so much to love.
What drives me up the wall about India… well if I get started I may not stop and you’ll think I hate it here, I don’t, I love it. That being said… the lack of organization and efficiency really sums up most of my disgruntled moments. I wanted to send a packed to the States so as to have more space in my suitcase to bring home all my purchases. I made the long journey to the post office by bus which is the cheapest way to travel in India, albeit the most crowded, hottest, dirtiest and all around uncomfortable. Finally I reach the post office which I confirmed was open until 5:30, I arrived at 5. What greets me?? Well lets leave the details out and just say, the office is open until 5:30, but you can’t actually send anything after 2pm. It makes me wonder why they are open after 2 at all. You can’t do anything simple like send a package, buy train tickets, or catch an auto rickshaw without fighting for it., fighting poor timings, fighting poor booking procedures, fighting for a fair fare. Always fighting... Sometimes I’m just tired of fighting. It makes me scold this nation for being so seemingly backward…*sigh* I love India – really

Thursday, June 07, 2007

A little recognition!

So Purdue asked me for some of my views on India and my experiences a long time back. Now I've come to realize that my imputes have made their way into the Chemical Engineering Impact Magazine!! Feel free to read it!! The little bit regarding me is down at the bottom!

The article

Mei and Jeannie... thanks for being good sports... you're photographed in our magazine - I hope you don't mind! Oh and I miss you three all so very much!

Enjoy :o)

Monday, June 04, 2007

Ooty - Tamil Nadu's Hill Station

My weekend travels continue! Sidd and I spent a weekend together in a hill station in Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu is the southeastern coastal state of India which has mountains running down the western spine. Ooty is located in these mountains and was quite chilly. In fact, Sidd was smart and brought two long sleeve shirts (one I wore the whole time!) It rained both days we were there which partially flooded the town making walking an interesting experience. We took a three hour horseback riding trip through the hills which was so much fun. Sidd hadn't really ridden a horse before so he was a great sport and a pretty good rider at that! It was just the two of us and a guide riding around. Very fun, but our butts are still hurting two days later. We also bought ample amounts of Ooty's famous homemade chocolate, but we both are wondering why it is famous, as it really wasn't that great. The town was really cute but busy with tourists as it was a weekend. We had an interesting bus ride back to B'lore which was partly great fun, and partly really unfortunate. Lets just say we were sitting in the "cool part of the bus" but the bus was totally NOT COOL - Sidd's 25 mysterious bug bites are testimony to that. We made some fun friends on the bus and I had the pleasure of using an Indian toilet in the middle of the night without a light... I probably didn't want to see the bathroom anyway... :o)
Sidd and his horse Raja (it's a boy - but you wouldn't know by the flowers on it's bridle)
Ooty lake reflections - my attempt at artistic photography

In other news - I'm flying home earlier than originally thought. I arrive in the States July 5th! Please let me know if you are in CO - I will want to see you :o)