Monday, January 04, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I've never really been one to make New Year's Resolutions, but I figured what is the harm in making a commitment to yourself to do something to make your life better? The typical resolution seems to fall around fitness and overall health which are of course great goals to strive for but they seem unoriginal and mundane. Then I read one of my sorority sister's resolutions which I thought were just awesome and they got me thinking about what mine could be.

Her list is:

1. I will value my body, and I will not disparage it. I also will not disparage others' bodies.
2. I will work toward overall health.
3. I will laugh at every opportunity.
4. I will always search for the sunny side of life.
5. I will contribute to my community.
6. I will dedicate myself to being more loving, and to being more open to love.
7. I will continue to seek spiritual enlightenment.

and finally ...

8. I will attempt to improve my extremely deplorable Spanish language skills."

To one fabulous Kathryn Bennett, I give you a huge thank you for the realignment of priorities on how life should really be lived. There is no magic weight number or pant size that needs to be fit into, no real metric for what qualifies for a good ambition or admirable aim.

I am not so insightful as my Great Grand Big sis, but I came up with these three as good starting points of things I want to accomplish this year.

1a. To complete a century (100 mile) bike ride, and to spend more time on my bike in general
1b. Learn more bike maintenance
2. Travel south of the equator (Peru!)
3. Improve my extremely deplorable Spanish language skills (thank you Kathryn, and Peru anyone??)

They lack the zen like qualities of Kathryn, but I think they follow the SMART methodology of goal setting and they are things that I actually believe I WANT to do. I fully believe this dramatically increases my chances of success.

I hope everyone has a very wonderful new year - resolution fulfillment and all - and 2010 brings joy, happiness, prosperity, and love to you all.

Oh - and maybe another mini resolution should be to blog more often... we'll see about that one!!